Friday, June 17, 2016


LET"S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. YES PEOPLE THIS POST IS ABOUT ONE OF MY FAVORITES. MULAN!! Ok so if you never watched this movie you are stupid and like needs to stop being stupid. NO offense or anything though, I just feel very passionately about this movie. It's about a woman named Mulan and she is pretty bad at being a woman. SO she steals her dad's stuff to join the army. Now here is where the story gets interesting. We are introduced to the love interest and the only 5 side characters that are used to progress the plot. Now Mulan is horrible being a warrior because you know she's a woman and all. Yet through the power of montage she over comes the problem of sexism in movies and becomes a super cool kung fu fighting warrior. The movie also has the best songs ever in it. It's like Wendy wu homecoming warrior on steroids. Its super good and Eddie Murphy is in it, so that makes it  768 times better. And now I present you with a picture of Eddie Murphy.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Finding Nemo

Ok so this movie is good, but when you think about it the fishes are stupid. This little fish named nemo wants to be cool and impress his friends right? Well while he was doing that he gets kidnaped, or 'fishnapped', it doesn't matter. He was whatevernapped. And his clown of a dad has to go find him. All because of his kid giving into peer pressure. He can't even swim properly with his tiny fin and guess what. He swims to touch the butt. I don't understand why though. Like yeah every kid goes threw that stupid emo phase but come on,HAVE COMMON SENSE NEMO. And now it's because if nemos stupid little fish butt Dory gets lost or something in her new movie. I mean thinking about it now I guess it was a good thing he was stupid because if he didn't touch the butt then we wouldn't have had that bomb movie.


Shrek one of the biggest meme movies of this messed up generation. It had lovable yet odd characters that changes the way we see many things today. Like an ogre, not only is there more ogre puns than ever in history but also it made us see and ogre as a hero. Yes, a hero that gets the girl and had one of the funniest sidekicks. It was popular enough to get like 20 other movies and so much fan love. Now the real question is, why is it so popular? Is it the characters? The plot? Well I will answer that right here and now, it is because of the music. And buy music I mean the one amazing song that is played. That song is All-Star by Smash mouth. It is the best song ever, also the music video is amazing. Nah I am joking, the only reason why shrek is so big is because of the memes.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Fight Club

Ok so this movie made me question a lot of things. Mostly about myself, like why aren't I there and why and am I still alive. It's kinda depressing. Ok so let's start with the main character, he doesn't really matter I guess because you never find out his name. But that's ok because the only reason why you watched the movie was because of Brad Pitt anyway. He's character was super cool and was a soap sales men which wasn't cool. But then he made bombs out of soap so that's pretty neat. So these two dudes start a Fight Club. (Oh my god who wouldn't guessed it?) Another thing to point out was that there club was super legit, they had rules and everything. Anyway so the club slowly turns into a gang and they blow up a city block or something, I can't remember. At the end of the movie there's a type of M. Night Shyamalan twist that makes you go wowza I didn't expect that. Yeah so it's a good movie 2156/2148 would watch.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Kung Fu Panda

"There are no accidents in kung fu" - Dying Turtle 
OK LITTLE KUNG FU WANNABES LETS START THIS POST. YOU SEE THAT BOMB QUOTE RIGHT UP THERE THATS FROM KUNG FU PANDA. It's about this fat panda who wants to do kung fu because you know that type of stuff is cool. Also there is this group of people that know kung fu really well named the fab five. And our fat little main character wants to be fab as well. Then this old turtle says he is the chosen one so everyone believes it. But then through the power of montage he learns kung fu and is pretty awesome. Anyways this movie was decent enough to get two more movies after it so it can't be that bad. Each one with the same plot but with different characters. But here is the real question did you like that stupid quote? Did you want to know more stupid quotes? Then check out my boi Naomi 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Ok so I am going to be honest. I am not sure what this movie was or why it had another few movies. It's about these zoo animals that get shipped away to Madagascar for some reason. Why are they getting shipped away? Well it's because the zebra left his cage and I think the rest of the stupid animals leave too. Anyway the movies characters are a lion, a hippo, a giraffe and a zebra. And the coolest part of this movie, the Penguins. They are the ones that got there own movie and TV show, but now that I think about it they were the minions of 2008, but just a little less annoying. Anyway (again) when they get to Madagascar they just party and dance to some annoying song. And since lions eat meat the lion goes crazy and wants to eat someone. But guess who he bits into? The ZEBRA! OH GOD NO, IT WAS HIS BEST FRIEND. But the zebra didn't die, he just had a scar for the rest of the franchise. There is no way disney can show the circle of life in a movie.

Sky High

It's that one movie of bipolar teens that have super powers. Why? Well because just normal bipolar teenagers are not enough for Disney. So basically the movies about this one guy who's parents are the dankest super hero's but the kids like not. All of the other kids have powers but him. And because if that he's a loser and gets put into the side kick class. Oh yeah they have classes for the cool kids and the not cool kids. So while in the loser class some cooler kid bullies him and then he rekts them with his powers. When he was fighting he got his powers because cliche. Then he goes through that Troy Bolton phase in HSM 2 where he leaves his friends to be cool. But in yet another cliche the cool kids are evil. Oh no! That was totally unexpected and original, good job Disney. But wait there is more the kid goes back with his friends to defeat the cool kids. Wow such a great movie, the best part is you don't have to watch it because I just explained the whole movie.