Monday, December 7, 2015

Star Wars: Kylo Ren is Luke

No doubt about it Star Wars is one of the greatest franchises every created. With it's outstanding plot and characters it has become an favorite for people of all ages. And now with the new movie "Star Wars The Force Awakens" everyone is exited to see what George Lucas will bring to the big screen this time. But the concern for many fans would be who won't he bring to the screen. If you have seen any of the trailers for the new movie you see all of your favorite characters once agin. We see Hans Solo ,Chewbacca and even Princes Leia, but in none of the trailers do we see the protagonist Luke Skywalker. We don't see Luke but we do see a new guy that goes be the name Kylo Ren. Now what might Kylo Ren have to do with the absence of Luke? Well if  you saw the title of this post you already know what I am going to say, Luke is Kylo Ren. When you look at the facts it's hard to deny.

Luke is turning out just to be like his father, with is emotions out of control and leading him into the dark. In the Jedi code it states "There is no emotion, there is peace". The Jedi believe that using your emotion is the easy way and can lead to the dark side. It has been shown countless time of Luke overwhelmed by his emotions.  In the movies Luke leaves his training with Yoda to go save his friends even though Master Yoda himself says if he does he will be on the road to the dark side and there is no turning back after that. Never in this franchise have wee seen Master Yoda to be wrong so why would this time to be any different. When Luke confronts Jadda the Hut to get back Hans and Liea he threatens Jabba. Threats are not the Jedi way, they are for those who have a darker side. The Force Awakens takes place 30 years after the last time which gives Luke plenty of time of make the switch.