Friday, May 13, 2016

The Bee Movie

Some would describe first love as an interaction between the same species. However, one great movie dispels that notion, the notion that a woman cannot date a bee. When a beautiful cgi character leaves her abusive husband, played by Patrick Warburton, all goes to heaven when she finds her true love...a bee....played by Jerry Seinfeld. Yes thats right, if this movie didn't tug at your heart strings before, beastiality is sure to do the trick. However, the game goes sour when the Bee's don't like the human interaction, because Jerry Bee pulls the girls, and they do not. However the game goes sourer when Bees want their honey back from the humans. Jerry Seinbee will now, with the help of his lover, fight back through the court system. I suggest anyone into what i just said to check out the Bee Movie. It is very good. 10/10.

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