Thursday, January 7, 2016

Star Wars

Stars Wars talk yet again,but this times it is different. Now that the movie is out I can talk about it,yay. I am not trying to put it down but I am no trying to say its the best movie either. Spoilers ahead, but if your find random blog post about the movie than you probably saw it. Honestly it reminded me of the Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope. Some random kid find a droid that is linked to the rebels and needs to find it's master. Later on with the help of Hans Solo they give the droid back and have to help blow up a giant planet killing thing. Oh yeah and the main character find out that they can use the force. Speaking of the force is anyone going to question how Rey was able to use the force so well when she just found out she could use it. Even if you saw that she's Luke's daughter its shouldn't be enough to overpower Kylo Ren's. The guy who trained with Luke Skywalker himself and should easily bet any newcomer like Rey. The most damage Ren did in the movie was broke some random controls when he had his temper tantrum. I think I would have liked him better if didn't take off his mask.